In Chinese, there is a popular saying regarding children which is 孩子是祖国的未来 (hái zǐ shì zǔ guó de wèi lái) meaning that “Children are the future of our country”.
Children require delicate care, let alone babies. Here we are to learn some useful Chinese vocabulary related to babies.

Pregnancy and Medical
This is a delicate and precious period for both the mommy and the baby. For pregnant women, every aspect of their life will affect the fetus, so they should be extremely careful with everything. Pregnant ladies should use drugs with caution, avoid radiation, and be cautious about any bleeding symptoms.
孕检 | yùn jiǎn | Pregnancy test |
怀孕 | huái yùn | Pregnancy test |
预产期 | yù chǎn qī | Due date |
胎儿 | tāi ěr | Fetus |
胎动 | tāi dòng | Fetal movement |
顺产 | shùn chǎn | Natural labour |
剖腹产 | pōu fù chǎn | Caesarean |
新生儿 | xīn sheng ér | Newborn (Up to 28 days) |
婴儿 | yīng ér | Infant/Baby (Up to one year old) |
幼儿 | yòu ér | Infant/Child (1–6 years old) |
婴幼儿 | yīng yòu ér | Infant/Child (0–6 years old) |
儿童 | ér tóng | Kid/Child (Under 18 years old) |
宝宝 | bǎo bǎo | Baby/Darling |

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From this list, we can see that in Chinese, different terms are used to express babies of different ages. Whereas in English “infant/baby” would cover a quite large age range. 宝宝 is special in a way that there is no specific age range, this is a very cordial expression which indicates “darling baby/child”, and it could even be used among couples.
As babies normally require special care and treatment, when health problems occur, parents would need to take them to special departments such as 儿科 (ér kē) “Pediatrics”.
Relevant vocabulary includes:
儿科疾病 | ér kē jí bìng | Pediatric diseases |
儿科门诊 | ér kē mén zhěn | Pediatric clinic/department |
儿科医院 | ér kē yī yuàn | Pediatric hospital |
儿科医生 | ér kē yī shēng | Pediatrician |
儿科专家 | ér kē zhuān jiā | Paediatrician (specialists) |
Did you know?
In China, baby products 婴幼儿用品 (yīng yòu ér yòng pǐn) are professional health products for a specific group of 0–3 year-olds. Because of special physical and psychological requirements, national health organizations have put forward extremely strict requirements for baby supplies.
Feeding and Food
The feeding supplies for babies and children’s tableware are usually specially designed, many factors are taken into account, such as color, thermal conductivity, volatile chemicals, gripping or holding designs, lid designs, and auxiliary functions, etc. There are different tableware for children of all ages.
奶嘴 | nǎi zuǐ | Pacifier |
奶瓶 | nǎi píng | Baby bottle/feeder |
吸奶器 | xī nǎi qì | Breast pump |
牙胶 | yá jiāo | Gutta-percha/Teether |
勺子 | sháo zi | Spoon |
筷子 | kuài zi | Chopsticks |
水杯 | shuǐ bēi | Water glass |
水壶 | shuǐ hú | Water bottle |
喂食碗 | wèi shí wǎn | Feeding bowl |
喂食器 | wèi shí qì | Feeding trough |
加热器 | jiā rè qì | Heater |
食物研磨器 | shí wù yán mó qì | Food grinder |
牙刷 | yá shuā | Toothbrush |
Principles for adding complementary food/dietary supplement “辅食 (fǔ shí)”: from watery to thick, from fine-grained to coarse-grained, from less to more. In the beginning, parents should only feed one new food at a time, after the baby adapts to his new recipe, then another new food could be added.
From 4 months old: 流食 (liú shí) liquid diet/food, such as milk powder and rice paste.
From 6 months old: 半固体食物 (bàn gù tǐ shí wù) semisolid food, such as fruit puree and egg yolk paste.
7–9 months old: 软固体食物 (ruǎn gù tǐ shí wù) soft food, such as porridge and noodles.
10–12 months old: 固体食物 (gù tǐ shí wù) solid food.
牛奶 | niú nǎi | Cow’s Milk |
奶粉 | nǎi fěn | Milk powder |
配方奶粉 | pèi fāng nǎi fěn | Formula milk powder |
菜泥 | cài ní | Vegetable puree |
果泥 | guǒ ní | Fruit puree |
鱼泥 | yú ní | Fish puree |
肉泥 | ròu ní | Meat puree |
鸡蛋 | jī dàn | Egg |
蛋黄 | dàn huáng | Egg yolk |
蛋白 | dàn bái | Egg white |
谷类婴儿食品 | gǔ lèi yīng ér shí pǐn | Baby Cereal |
米糊 | Rice paste | |
米粉 | mǐ fěn | Rice noodles |
米粥 | mǐ zhōu | Rice porridge |
麦粉 | mài fěn | Flour |
面条 | miàn tiáo | Noodles |
磨牙棒 | mó yá bàng | Molar rod |
磨牙饼干 | yīng ér mó yá bǐng gàn | Teething biscuits |

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Materials and Measurements
Parents should choose manufacturers or distributors with product warranties and good after-sales services, also checking their product quality reports and company qualifications. The ingested food amount should also be measured and closely watched.
Baby clothing materials could be generally divided into cotton and gauze. Cotton clothing absorbs sweat better and is good for keeping warm. Gauze materials have good air permeability, it is also quick-drying, and doesn’t produce cotton batting; making it less likely to cause neonatal 过敏 (guò mǐn) allergies.
纯棉 | chún mián | Pure cotton |
纱布 | shā bù | Gauze |
亲肤 | qīn fū | Skin-friendly |
陶瓷 | táo cí | Ceramics |
玻璃 | bō li | Glass |
塑料 | sù liào | Plastic |
硅胶 | guī jiāo | Silica gel |
不锈钢 | bù xiù gang | Stainless steel |
容量 | róng liàng | Volume/Capacity |
毫升 | háo sheng | Milliliter |
口径 | kǒu jìng | Caliber |
重量 | zhòng liàng | Weight |
产地 | chǎn dì | Place of production |
Babies require different clothing for different ages. For babies 1–3 months old, jumpsuits and 和尚服 (hé shang fú) are recommended. 和尚服 means “monk gowns” when directly translated, but when it’s used to indicate baby clothing, this is a type that opens in front without buttons but uses strings instead.
尺码 | chǐ mǎ | Size |
宝宝帽/宝宝帽子 | bǎo bǎo mào/bǎo bǎo mào zǐ | Baby hat/cap |
口水巾/围兜 | kǒu shuǐ jīn /wéi dōu | Bib |
宝宝内衣 | bǎo bǎo nèi yī | Baby underwear |
宝宝外衣 | bǎo bǎo wài yī | Baby overcoat |
连体衣/连体服 | lián tǐ yī/lián tǐ fú | Jumpsuit |
罩衣 | zhào yī | Smock/apron |
婴儿袜 | yīng ér wà | Booties/Baby socks |
背带/学步带 | bèi dài /xué bù dài | Babytrooper |
尿布/尿片 | niào bù /niào piàn | Diaper |
一次性尿布 | yī cì xìng niào bù | Disposable diaper |
尿不湿 | niào bú shī | Baby diaper |
隔尿垫 | gé niào diàn | Urine pad |

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It is neither hygienic nor safe for babies to sleep in large beds with adults. Babies should sleep independently from an early age, which is good for their mental and physical health. A baby sleeping bag is used to wrap the infant’s body to prevent him from kicking his blanket while asleep.
毯子 | tǎn zǐ | Blanket |
被子 | bèi zǐ | Quilt/Blanket |
抱被 | bào bèi | Infant wrap/Baby blanket |
婴儿睡袋 | yīng ér shuì dài | Baby sleeping bag |
婴儿摇篮 | yīng ér yáo lán | Cradle |
婴儿床 | yīng ér chuáng | Crib |
Daily Supplies
These are the daily supplies that a baby requires. As the baby’s skin is particularly delicate, adult toiletries may cause certain damages.
水温计 | shuǐ wēn jì | Water thermometer |
体温计 | tǐ wēn jì | Thermometer |
婴儿湿巾 | yīng ér shī jīn | Baby wipes |
婴儿洗衣皂 | yīng ér xǐ yī zào | Baby laundry soap |
婴儿洗发水 | yīng ér xǐ fā shuǐ | Baby shampoo |
婴儿沐浴露 | yīng ér mù yù lù | Baby shower gel |
润肤产品 | rùn fū chǎn pǐn | Skincare products |
爽身粉 | shuǎng shēn fěn | Talcum Powder/Baby Powder |
护臀霜 | hù tún shuāng | Diaper rash cream |
婴儿浴盆 | yīng ér yù pén | Baby bath |
儿童浴缸 | ér tóng yù gāng | Children’s bathtub |
儿童椅/餐椅 | ér tóng yǐ /cān yǐ | High chair/Feeding chair |
儿童安全座椅 | ér tóng ān quán zuò yǐ | Baby Car Seat |
学步车/学行车 | xué bù chē/xué xíng chē | Baby walker |
婴儿手推车/婴儿车 | yīng ér shǒu tuī chē /yīng ér chē | Stroller |
Baby toys could exercise muscles, promote hand-eye coordination and develop causality or spatial concepts. Parents should choose toys for their babies based on their specific age; safety should always be the first concern.
吊铃 | diào líng | Hanging rattle toy |
手摇铃/摇铃 | shǒu yáo líng/yáo líng | Handbell |
拨浪鼓 | bō lang gǔ | Rattle-drum |
布袋手偶 | bù dài shǒu ǒu | Hand puppet |
积木 | jī mù | Toy Blocks |
泰迪熊 t | ài dí xíong | Teddy bear |
毛绒玩具 | máo róng wán jù | Stuffed toys |
布书 | bù shū | Cloth book |
摇摆木马 | yáo bǎi mù mǎ | Rocking horse |
游戏垫 | yóu xì diàn | Baby game mat |
游戏围栏 | yóu xì wéi lán | Playpen |

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We hope that aside from learning some new vocabulary, you also acquired some tips and general understanding of how to take care of a baby. And do remember that your highest priority is: NEVER leave a baby alone or unattended.